Film My Neighbor Totoro HD
Sinopsis :
The film revolves around a Kusakabe family that has two daughters named Satsuki and Mei. They moved to an old house in the countryside that looked like a haunted house. Upon arriving at their new home, Satsuki and Mei helped his father to clean and clean their house cheerfully while running to and fro. While in the attic, Mei saw furry black creatures coming out of the attic wall. Because of high curiosity, Mei caught the creature. Mei immediately ran to tell Satsuki about it. After showing it to Satsuki, Kanta's grandmother who used to guard the house said that the creature was Susu-atari who used to live in an old and empty house that would leave the house if the owner smiled.
The next day, they went to the hospital on a bicycle to visit their mother who was apparently being treated at the hospital. Satsuki and Mei told many things to her mother with enthusiasm and cheerfulness. One time, May was cool playing alone and saw acorns scattered in his yard and followed in the footsteps of the acorns until he met a white creature coming out of the bushes. Mei followed the creature to a place surrounded by large trees. In that place there was a large creature and Mei called it Totoro. He told this to Satsuki and his father after Satsuki found and woke Mei who was sleeping in the bush. On their way home they saw a large tree called the Champor tree which was said to be the abode of the forest guard god who also guarded Mei.
One day, while Satsuki was at school, Mei came to see Satsuki with Kanta's grandmother. After asking for permission from Satsuki's teacher, Mei entered Satsuki's class until Satsuki came home from school. Satsuki and Mei came home together and suddenly a heavy rain came flushed. They then took shelter until Kanta came and lent them an umbrella so they could go home.
Arriving at home, Satsuki and Mei remembered that their father forgot to bring an umbrella. They went to wait for his father at the bus stop, but apparently his father missed the bus and they had to wait longer. While waiting for his father, suddenly there was a big feathered creature that stood beside them. Satsuki saw it and he realized that the creature was Totoro. Satsuki then lent Totoro an umbrella because Totoro only used a small leaf on his head. After using the umbrella Totoro was frightened by rain water falling on his umbrella. He then jumped and was able to stop the rain. Before long there was a cat-shaped and bushy bus to pick up Totoro. Totoro gave them a small gift and then left in the cat bus. Shortly after their father came and they went home together. Mau tau kelanjutan ceritanya? silahkan download dibawah